规则名: rule1
1.标签1: threat score >5
2.标签2: known bots -> off
行动: Challenge (Captcha) 跳出验证码
规则名: rule2
1.标签1: known bots -> off
2.标签2: ip address !=
行动: Challenge (Captcha) 跳出验证码
脚本默认的是检测系统负载为10,启动” I’m Under Attack! “模式,你以根据需要来调整。如下图:
#!/bin/bash # $1 = 1min, $2 = 5min, $3 = 15min loadavg=$(awk '{printf "%f", $1}' < /proc/loadavg) # load is 10, you can modify this if you want load more than 10 maxload=10 # Configuration API Cloudflare # Your Global API Key ( api_key= # Email of your Cloudflare account email= # Zone ID ( zone_id= # Default security level when there is no attack, see in readme default_security_level=high # Whether to write debug messages to the debug.log file under script dir debug=0 basedir=$(dirname "$0") attacked_file=$basedir/attacked [ "$debug" -eq 1 ] && exec > "${logfile:-$basedir/debug.log}" # You can put aforementioned config values either in-place # or in the file named 'config' in the script's directory. config_file=$basedir/config [ -e "$config_file" ] && source "$config_file" api_set_mode() { local mode mode=$1 curl -s -X PATCH "$zone_id/settings/security_level" \ -H "X-Auth-Email: $email" \ -H "X-Auth-Key: $api_key" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{\"value\":\"$mode\"}" \ || echo "Error: failed to set security level to $mode" } # create file "attacked" if doesn't exist if [ ! -e "$attacked_file" ]; then echo 0 > "$attacked_file" fi was_under_attack=$(cat "$attacked_file") under_attack=$(echo "$loadavg > $maxload" | bc) if [[ "$1" != [01] ]]; then echo "Incorrect usage! Please pass either 0 or 1 as an argument" exit 1 fi if [ $debug -eq 1 ]; then echo "Mode: $1; was under attack: $was_under_attack; now under attack: $under_attack" echo "Load average: $loadavg" fi if [ "$1" -eq 0 ] && [ "$was_under_attack" -eq 0 ] && [ "$under_attack" -eq 1 ]; then # attack just started and we want to enable under-attack mode # Activate protection [ "$debug" -eq 1 ] && echo "Activating under-attack mode!" echo 1 > "$attacked_file" api_set_mode under_attack elif [ "$1" -eq 1 ] && [ "$was_under_attack" -eq 1 ] && [ "$under_attack" -eq 0 ]; then # attack just finished (and up to 20 minutes passed since) # and we want to disable under-attack mode # Disable Protection [ "$debug" -eq 1 ] && echo "Leaving under-attack mode!" echo 0 > "$attacked_file" api_set_mode "$default_security_level" fi exit 0